Sexy Minnow-The Ultimate Baitfish/Smelt
Welcome to the Sexy Minnow realm! After much refining and vice and field tinkering, we landed on the Ultimate Sexy Minnow/baitfish/Smelt Imitation, a blend of global materials like that in fine wine. Some moons ago, the Sexy Minnow was born and field tested in the estuaries of New Zealand to catch large baitfish chasing brown trout.
We soon added from the size six trout size the larger size two field testing it on tuna in Australia, and nowadays, it is becoming a must-have in fresh and saltwater baitfish patterns in your box of tricks. They get pretty much the same; check them out. Sexy. Recently, Bass fly fishermen have been purchasing them, obviously the words out.
Light to cast, no water retention, no tail fouling, all sizes tied on specially chosen saltwater hooks, swimming so gracefully that it looks like the real deal - clear body, big oval fish eyes, UV head, and black lateral line on each side - plus flashy UV fibres. It's taken over even the natural bait! Embrace Sexy Minnow: The Fly You'll Fall in Love with, just like the fish you're after. Look no further.
Remember, Having more than one good fly and the right size is always good. So, the more significant the pack, the better; that way, you will have a few staple flies doubled and trebled up in the pack selection.
As we know, there's nothing worse than losing the only fly you have that works.
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