An Artists Creativity - Never Stops - Go The Flow - 2025
First up we love you all, and could never do it without you all. You ROCK. Thank you all heaps.
It's now 2025. And we are now one of the oldest coolest brands around that have over the decades inspired so many other artists and fly fishers. Internationally regarded as the most authentic, unique, and creative. A cutting edge, fishy brand that wears its hearts on its sleeve, and always will. We are proud of the fact that 91% of our customers are returning, and recommending our products. This includes locals and international. There's obviously a very good reason for all that. Again we, can't help, but thank you all. Bless.
If you have already read all the parts of this bio on, our journey and our geeky founder Stu, you will now how it was all started and how we got here today with our Stu's Superior Fly brand. You will have gathered and understand we have one of the biggest unique stories of any fly fishing brand out there. You will also have come to realise that our founder, does not take himself too seriously. That he's a fly designer, artist, creator, and self-confessed TWAT. That loves to make people smile and laugh and tries his damnedest to help put the FUN back into fishing and life in general.
However, he takes pride, always has, in all the products over these past near 50 years that he's designed, created, built, taught or written. So you can always be guaranteed you aren't wasting your time or money, buying and supporting us. For decades he's been, tying, inspecting and filling every single order and taking them to the post office. Hard to believe, we know. Somehow he's managed his time sending out orders and helping people to choose the right fly for their day. He is close to his customers and loves sharing his knowledge across the globe. Every cent you spend basically goes back into fishing and creativity within this tiny company. Money well spent, we say. The bonus is you get the best products around. And we get to love you even more. Pretty cool, eh!
Nowadays, self confessed old bugger Stu and Trigger are always busy planning the next book adventure. Stu, usually while sitting in silence, at home, in a tent, in a cabin in the woods, camped in the truck, locked away from the world, stringing words together, a recluse, an introvert, a hard-working creative. Or just a nutjob on a mission? You choose.
Thus far, after a lifetime of dedication and sheer hard work, he has, completed one of his mammoth goals and dream's and has designed over 100 unique Stu, fish catching fly deigns, each fly design mimicking a specific fish food source, with each one having its own history, a unique name, design and development story. An achievement that is most probably a world first and unmatched. For example the Da Bomb Mayfly design was finished in India , whilst on a fly fishing adventure, and its design story is mentioned in one of his highly acclaimed books - Out come the Dogs. Some of these designs are now 30 plus years old, and have all carefully designed and field tested throughout various far flung places in the world. First of all they are all tried and proven, fish catchers, then to the eye they are all rather sexy. All our fly designs are for sale, to you, right here and now, not available to purchase anywhere else. Pretty cool eh! Plus there's that unique range of books, caps, stickers and other cool merchandise.
Our creative, hard working geek, also thus far this past 10 years, locked him self away, written and self-published four awesome acclaimed nonfiction books, each one taking years of creative, painstaking, work to complete: Jungle Blues, Chasing Tigers, Out Come the Dogs, and recently Trout Love. All of his books one day he hopes to bring out in children's book version's. Fingers crossed that happens for the children to get inspired. However he's currently, squirreled himself away again, a man on a mission, working on Wandering Trout and Trout Wonderland of which you can see the art work for and read about in the book section on this site. We also just found out, he has so many other first, rough manuscripts in a secret book vault! Having written them out and stashing them away over the years from many previous adventures over the past 15 years, and until, now, He's never told a single sausage.
Maybe one day we can, hope he will write his own autobiography, as within the pages of this bio, we have come to realize, that whats been mentioned, is only a very small window as too what, our fishy founder has actually achieved, and gotten up too. We all know there's way more, a man mountain of great stories and knowledge to share. So were going to keep badgering, that he needs to write it. Before we have the pleasure of burying him. :)
"I have just finished my first reading of Trout Love. There are books I know I will read a second, third, or even more times. Trout Love is one of those. Once again, thanks for Trout Love. " Richard - UK
He’s also discovered Instagram and YouTube in recent years; though tech and socials are not really his thing, However he does try, so if you want to really know Stu, that’s the place to go! Maybe! but be warned, he’s not your average sort of old bloke... especially for his wrinkled age, Just a good old bastard at heart.

Dreams & Goals " Write 10 x great fishy adventure books before his 60th Birthday"
Stu's Superior Fly designs continued to appear in various films and publications throughout the coming decades and became internationally sought and recognized. Leading the fly-tying industry with innovation and a huge range of fit-for-purpose designs.
Many of those were imitated or copied over the years, which is a testament to Stu's Superior Flies being at the cutting edge. Though sadly, when others do this solely for profit and greed, it directly affects the true artist's pocket and ability to create. Our flies are only available direct. Please don't buy rip-off fakes from other fishing shops. We thank you in advance. x
Stu's Superior Flies Ltd. has, over the decades, secured their place as leaders in fly design and fly fishing history. As we all know, nothing just happens. However, after many years of the fly shop just getting by and before Stu completely burned out, things at the fly shop had to change, thankfully for the better, to help it become the internationally recognized top fly brand of choice it is today.
So sadly, the iconic bricks-and-mortar World Famous Stu's Fly Shop had to close its doors, and Stu’s Superior Flies went online, nowadays selling only direct to customers.
Stu bought a small piece of land in the village, close to the river! To make yet! another dream and goal come to fruition. By building a fit-for-purpose casting arena and building for running his NZ Fly Fishing School classes, as well as an attached modern small glass square home, similar to a fish tank.
Then, due to a continuing serious spinal cord nerve damage issue and a couple of other health scares, plus COVID devastating business, he closed the doors on the NZ Fly Fishing School , and plus having also recognizing he'd reached the highest limits he could with his teaching and guiding, it was time to move on, challenge himself yet again, new life goals, get creative, rather than get mundane and stale. Realizing that one gets only one shot at life and that life and health do not wait. Now armed with a bung spine, a limping leg, and a new hip on the other leg. It was decided to throw every penny of his savings and pension (not much) to help concentrate on growing the brand Stu's Superior Flies and also to write, self-fund, and self-publish a series of fun, adventurous nonfiction books about nature, travel, culture, and fly fishing. Not for fame or money, but to encourage others to get out there and have fun. He soon discovered why no one else has attempted it: it costs a small fortune in self-funding, and it is the hardest, most challenging work he's ever attempted.
And in true Stu fashion of swimming against the current, to make it even more challenging, each book would have to be a complete adventure story. Crazy, you may think, but not. Creative—Yes. Read on.

Not to do things by half, with a vision and the reality of making that childhood dream come true, of owning a fishing shop. He got off his backside, yet again, to make things happen! Borrowed far, far too much money from the bank and got himself worryingly, up to his eyeballs in a mountain of debt and stress. But, indeed, he rolled that dice! and moved his operation to a small town right beside the Mataura River. Where he could work even more on the perfection of his art, his fly designs; thus, the river became his studio.
Where, for example, he perfected his floating willow grub fly, which famously became known as the Banana Fly, which revolutionized the fishing in the South Island for willow grub-feeding trout, and then with the help and vision of a client—good old Gerry (RIP)—The Famous Grub Club and its membership was born.
It was here he opened the doors of Stu's Fly Shop, a tiny wooden shack, a cool-as-chips, funky wee fly shop. Soon becoming world-famous and known as a fly-fishing institution and a must-stop-and-see tourist attraction. It appeared with its owner and his fly designs in countless films, photos, and international publications, for example, even in a high-end fashion magazine and an inflight magazine.
For Stu, the creative artist It was never about making money and still to this day, that's not changed (which is an issue in business); it was more about the arts, promoting fishing as fun. Inside the shop, it was funky, full of fishy art from around the world; "It was like walking into a slice of fly-fishing heaven," folks would constantly exclaim. For example, a famous commercial fly shop owner from the USA, who owned a huge modern fly shop and had 16 staff, walked in and, in amazement, said, "This is the coolest fly shop I have ever been in the world, and I've been in most." And the comment sealed the deal, that Stu had achieved another dream another goal, ticked that box, to own the coolest funkiest fly shop in the world. Job done. :)
However for it all to survive, stay afloat, pay the bills, dept, and keep the shops doors open. Stu had to work crazy hours 17 hr plus days, 7 days a week, for basically 9 months a year straight and wear so many caps, guide, teach, and tie flies into the early hours, as despite the shop being fly fishing world-famous, there was never any profit, left to employ any staff. Small business blues, eh!
As the years went on, for food and accommodation, traveling fly-fishing bums and backpackers would stay and help out and become friends for life. He released the first-ever cutting-edge fly-tying film on DVD called 'A Foam Odyssey,' set to rock and roll music. Yet another Stu, first. "A leader, not a follower,"
A dream of owning the worlds first fully painted Trout Truck, also during this time came to fruition, with the art work being gifted to him be renown USA artist De-Young who at the time recognizing, that it had never been done before is quoted as saying " What ! the full truck, wow, you have got big balls" and so Stu's famous Trout truck, vision, goal, dream! was duly ticked off the list. And this sparked others to follow suit with custom trout art on vehicles.
During these years, He also squeezed in, and went and worked as a saltwater fly fishing guide during the NZ shoulder season, in northern Australia, which helped future proof, some of our predator fish fly designs.
He also demonstrated fly tying internationally and did many, fun filled, acclaimed guest talks at fly fishing clubs, when asked.
And it was here his range of unique fishing flies grew and grew and was on full display within the shop. Passing fishermen would screech to a stop, desperate to fill their fly boxes with Stu's fly delights. Read on.

The Everest "The Utopia of Fly Design"
New Zealand was always on Stu's hit list, and like most things in his life thus far, organically it happened. Arriving in the South Island with all his worldly belongings on his back and a sock stashed with all his cash. (Albeit a very small sock). He invested in a small, old car, bought at the time for 250 NZ dollars, and lived out of that car while Trout Bumming and adventuring around. All the while perfecting his range of fly designs. Surviving, hand to mouth, by working odd jobs along the way, eventually settling and calling NZ home. "Home sweet home."
Due to the clear waters and very large wary brown trout. With all the visuals of their behavior, seen and observed, it was a fly designer's utopia. Knowing if his range of fly designs could easily fool these wary NZ trout, gullible trout throughout the rest of the world would ultimately snaffle his designs at will.
Gradually, he added more and more unique fly designs to his collection. However, many of these original fly designs, during their evolution over decades of trial and error, have been tweaked to utter perfection and others discarded for the better and thrown in to the trash. Like most artists, designers, and creatives, he ultimately strives for perfection. Which is a testament to why the brand Stu's Superior Flies is so strong and is on the tips of local and international fly fishers tongues today, bringing fishy smiles to all who use and even abuse them. (with good intentions!)
Eventually he started working as a fly fishing guide and, over the years, became known to many as one of NZ's top professional fly fishing guides and guided and taught literally 1000's + and inspired countless others from afar, he guided and taught for over two decades, until recently. He also started to teach fly casting. Though wish to be the best instructor he could, and at the time, unable to find any good casting instruction help in NZ. He humbly traveled worldwide, attending events, hiring other instructors, attending their fly fishing schools, and gleaning a wealth of fly casting teaching knowledge, having learned from some of the best in the world.
One winter, he locked himself away for 4 months, working as a taxi driver at night, to just get by, during the day, everyday, he worked on perfecting 10 of his fly designs and eating $5 dollar frozen chickens. Dedication!
Around this time his work became discovered, by the man! The Godfather of commercially tied flies Dennis Black (RIP)), the founder of the USA brand Umpqua, who thankfully recognised , encouraged , inspired Stu to keep going with his fly designs, as he had a unique signature to a all his fly designs, easy recognisable like the mythical UK artist Banksy.
More interesting facts -Unbeknown to Stu at the time in the early 2000's the USA legend Randall Kaufmann, featured and documented, some of his fly designs in one of his books. Finding that, years later, was a wow moment for sure and a testament, to Stu's fly designs.
For years, striving for perfection, with dedication, every day He used to walk from his fly shop, to the local cafe and his post box, walking his fly rod! casting, his line around trees and signs, as he walked. As this was the only time he could practice, when busy. Passing traffic would loudly toot at this strange behavior and shout "have you caught anything"
He later had many of his fly designs accepted and produced for other large fly companies. Becoming a Royalty Fly Tier for the Umpqua Feather Merchants Fly Tying Pro Team. Then later for the Rainy USA Fly Tying Pro Team. Eventually he left them behind to concentrate on his own path to success.
Privately, he started to accept commissions to design and tie flies for others, including ones used in weddings and real estate promotions. He then won a gold medal for one of his fly designs, called the 'Bionic Bug.
Stu around this time founded and registered and started to develop the NZ Fly Fishing School going on to eventually teach thousands the art of fly casting and fly fishing through his NZ school.. In 2007, he traveled to the USA to study fly casting and teaching yet again, this time under another master casting guru (Molly Semenik), and went on to sit and pass the big test and became a certified FFF MASTER Fly Casting Instructor. Becoming the first casting instructor to hold that title and qualification in Australasia. And one of only 180 masters in the world at the time. The highlight after passing the test, he says, was meeting and being congratulated by his inspiration and his fly casting teaching idol, the legend himself, Mel Krieger. (RIP) Who sadly passed away months later,
Later he worked with others in fly rod design and brought out and sold his own fly rod, called the KIWI, from his brand - King of Fly rods.
So! Our founder is a fishy sort of dude indeed, a geek, a man armed with an infectious sense of humor...to boot… A man that loves to be humbled and learn every day, and loves to be inspired by others,a man that will never know everything, a man trying to help make fly fishing fun and always trying to also inspire and give back. Read on

Born to Fish " In Puddles "
After leaving Scotland and Haggis hunting! behind, he worked full-time as a steel erector, a very dangerous job working on the steel framework on the highest skyscrapers in London, and on days off and holidays, he would disappear in his converted custom van, which was painted like a black and white cow and called Daisy, driving all over Europe, working as a roadie, with a crazy bunch of mates who had a rock'n'roll band called the Klingonz, that years later spawned a moth fly design named after them called Ze Klingon. It was during these mad times that later inspired another of our fly designs, one called The Pogo nymph, named after the famous punk rock dance.
He always had a fishing rod at hand and would fish in puddles if that's all there was on offer. Work eventually took him to Germany for a spell, where he worked on a bridge over the river Rhine. During lunch breaks and after work, he fished the river below for anything with fins.
Global adventures then took a foothold, first traveling through Africa on a private expedition, fishing in the Congo (Zaire), and the like. Eventually staying in Africa for five years, working as a safari driver and fishing for all sorts. It was while there he registered his first fishy company, called 'Uganda Sports Fishing Safari’s Ltd.’. And it was whilst in Africa. He ultimately discovered he loved sharing his enthusiasm with others, and guiding was something he was very good at. He naturally took to educating people, delivering an experience that was far beyond the normal realms. After all, he's not your average, normal bloke! an authentic outlier, and thankfully so.
It was in Africa, while getting himself lost in the mountains of Malawi in East Africa and nearly dying of hypothermia, looking for African mountain trout, that he descended into a town and accidentally ended up walking into his first fly-tying factory. Setting that commercial fly tying seed!
During these vagabonding times, he was always secretly working on amassing and perfecting his collection of fly designs. Leaving Africa, he was on the lookout for his own version of utopia and a place to call home. "Home sweet home." He set off backpacking the world and traveled through many countries, chasing fish species and adventure after adventure. Read on.

The Foundation "The Birth"
First up, without your support and belief in us, we would not be here today, entertaining you all and offering you the chance to purchase the best sexy fly ammo (fly designs) in the world and much more. Thank you all. XX STU & TRIGGER
Stu Tripney, an artist, geek, creative, fly designer, and founder of Stu's Superior Flies and so, so much more!, was born in Scotland and attributes his early love, passion (obsession) for fishing, fly fishing, and fishing fly design to his granddad. At age 9 he won his first fishing competition, which he continued to win year-on-year, plus many other fishing competitions into his mid-teens. His parents house soon became full of trophies and newspaper articles.
Drawn to the arts early, his first good (secret) fly design during these early years kick-started this vast collection of our unique fly designs. He called the Moley Moley, which he made from the fur of a mole he caught. During the start of this creative time and his journey into the arts, he also started his first experimentation with synthetics for fly tying, using clear plastic from a bag for wings on a fly.
It was during this time he built his first fishing rods. Of which, to this day, are housed and displayed in a hut in the highlands on a lake, by an old friend.
For pocket money, along with a news paper round,, to help him buy more fishing tackle. With his air rifle, he used to help control pests, grey squrriels, selling there tails to a local small fishing shop, which on sold them to people tying salmon flies.
Locally he fished for all species of fish; however, outsmarting wild trout on local highland streams was his real passion. Soon drum beats from various countries sounded out, fish started to call out to him from afar, and thus the traveling, soul searching, and obsessive talking to fish proliferated…
And just maybe! This all is why his first-ever website was called Born To Fish. Please, read on.
What happy customers say
Your flies were fantastic for my trip, very impressed by the quality
and designs.
Paul - Labrador, Australia
The flies arrived and they are perfect. My husband is going
to love them. I'm going to love it more if he actually
catches a fish!
Fiona - Victoria, Australia
Really appreciate your tying and techniques,
they are quite revolutionary!
Scott - Australia