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Royal Wulff-Classic Dry Fly

Sale price$11.00

 From us to you, Heres the  classic Royal Wulff dry fly in various sizes. Which is an around attractor dry fly. The good twist when you purchase these flies from us, is they are tied very wide, open gape hooks for better hook ups than ones you usually offer by others. Comes in sizes you get in 16-14-12-10- and even huge fluffy sized 8

All our fly designs are all tied on the best strongest TMC fly hooks. Designed by Stu.

Remember, Having more than one of any good fly, and the right size is always a good thing. So, the more significant the pack, the better; that way, you will have a few staple flies doubled and trebled up in the pack selection.

As we know, there's nothing worse than losing the only fly you have that works.

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Royal Wulff-Classic Dry Fly
Royal Wulff-Classic Dry Fly Sale price$11.00